Please tell us if any part of our WebSite appears not to be working properly with your web browser, or if you have any other technical problem.
In creating the site we have sought to strike a balance between the latest features available for web site creation and a realisation that many visitors to our site will not be using the latest all singing and dancing multi-media computer.
The site has therefore been created during 1998 with:
- HTML code version 3.2 and updated with NetObjects Fusion on 17 January 1999
We have tried to use code which is understood by both of the most popular browsers, and have tested it using older versions of the software and the slowest of our computers.
The site has been tested using the following browsers:
- Netscape Navigator version 3.0 and higher
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 and higher
on a 486 66MHz computer with a 14.4kbps modem and higher